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Company News – May

WebDevStudios (WDS) is blossoming in May and bringing fresh WordPress information, company news, and bright beginnings. Our team has been as busy as bees this month, buzzing with excitement and new developments. So grab your sunglasses and a refreshing drink because we’ve got some sunny updates that will put a spring in your step and a smile on your face. Let’s take a walk in the garden of good news.

WordPress 6.5.3 Core Contributors

WordPress 6.5.3 was released to the public on May 7, 2024. WDS Principal Engineer Sal Ferrarello and Frontend Engineer Aslam Doctor are credited as contributors.

This is a short-cycle maintenance release with 12 bug fixes in Core and nine bug fixes for the Block Editor. The next major release of WordPress is Version 6.6, which will be available sometime in July.

Become a WordPress Core Contributor

Ready to get involved with WordPress Core development like Sal and Aslam? It’s easy to get started.

Hop over to Trac, choose a ticket that catches your eye, and jump into the conversation in the #core and #6-6-release-leads channels. If you need a helping hand, the Core Contributor Handbook has you covered.

Back-to-Back Talks

This month, WDS Senior Frontend Engineer Alfredo Navas gave back-to-back virtual talks. First, Alfredo presented “Patterns for the Win” at WordPress Meetup Roma on May 10, 2024. Soon after, on May 15th, he presented “Block Editor 101” for Green Geeks. You can watch a recording of that webinar below.


Vancouver WordPress Talks

Jennifer Farhat, Frontend Engineer

A few days after publishing this company news blog post, WDS Frontend Engineer Jennifer Farhat is presenting her talk “Introduction to theme.json” at Vancouver WordPress Talks. In this presentation, Jennifer will explore the JSON format and the structure of theme.json. By the end of her talk, the audience will clearly understand the hierarchy used for loading a website’s settings and style configurations.

Upcoming WordCamps

With the warmer weather upon us, it’s the perfect time to hit the road and attend some WordCamps. We’ve got a slew of them coming up, and you’ll find our WDS team members attending and speaking at various events. If you spot someone from WebDevStudios at a WordCamp, don’t be shy—come say hi! We’d love to chat about your upcoming WordPress project and share some insights. Below is a list of the WordCamps where you’ll find WebDevStudios.

Content Collaboration with Scale Consortium

Traffic surges are akin to digital tsunamis. They can make or break your website. On Scale Consortium’s Insights blog, Brad published an article that covers how WordPress scales for sudden website traffic surges. Wondering how WordPress handles website traffic spikes? Go read Brad’s article now.

Best WordPress Plugins

Best-of lists are tricky because they’re normally riddled with sneaky affiliate links. However, SiteCare broke the mold with its list of “The Best WordPress Plugins to Supercharge Your Website.” WebDevStudios-developed plugin WP Search with Algolia made the list because it bridges the gap between WordPress content and the powerful Algolia search service. Looking to level up your WordPress site? Keep SiteCare’s list handy.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Stay connected with WebDevStudios! Every month, we send out an email newsletter filled with timely advice on WordPress, digital marketing, and website strategy from our team of WordPress experts. Subscribe now to receive this month’s issue. Read last month’s edition to see what Brad says about boosting your website’s search experience.

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