AllClear ID
AllClear ID is a company that helps both individual consumers and enterprise clients address data breaches and clean up related consequences. While they can’t prevent identity theft, they help their customers remedy this common–and potentially devastating–crisis.
They have two sides to their offerings. They offer business to business services (B2B), where they help big companies like Target, Amex, and more, manage and rectify data breaches. They also offer business direct to consumers (B2C), where they help them clear up issues with credit card security breaches, and more.

AllClear ID Custom Design and WordPress Website
AllClear ID hired WebDevStudios to completely redesign and rebuild their site, as well as custom-build specific tools, migrate their blog, and create brand new branding guidelines for them to use moving forward. This project was extensive and highly collaborative—two of the things we love most in a project!
Note: The website design and development work completed by WebDevStudios for this client may no longer be available and could have been altered since its creation.
Information Architecture
AllClear ID’s biggest challenge was that their existing website didn’t separate the two sides of their business; the B2B and B2C sides were mixed up together, which left no clear path for visitors, regardless of whether visitors were seeking help on behalf of their business or merely themselves. We needed to answer these questions: who is landing on the site and what direction do they need to go? How can we make sure that the visitor has easy access to the information they need, regardless of whether they are seeking corporate or personal services?
We worked with AllClear ID to create cohesive messaging and a clear path for individual users and companies alike by creating a landing page that offers each option and allows the user to pick the one that best fits their needs. Once a decision from the landing page is made, it sets a cookie that ensures that the visitor will land on the correct site for subsequent visits. That doesn’t mean the visitor is stranded, though; any visitor, once through the landing page selection, can toggle back and forth between the B2B and B2C sites at their leisure.

Branding and Design Collaboration
Previously, AllClear ID did not have comprehensive corporate branding guidelines, and so we had to get creative with the design. We created the design from the ground up in what was an extremely collaborative process between the WebDevStudios and AllClear ID team. They knew they wanted a change, but weren’t sure that that meant, and so we worked very closely with them, in every step of the process, to design something gorgeous that best fit their company’s personality.
We designed absolutely every screen, every button, and every piece of branding, as well as created and formatted official corporate branding guidelines. Now, AllClear ID has a clear set of branding instructions that can be applied to advertising, social media, marketing, print campaigns, business cards, and more.
If you visit the site, you may notice that the color scheme changes depending on whether you’re a corporate or personal visitor. This choice was made to not only be a visual cue to visitors, but also helps with AllClearID’s overall brand recognition in a subtle, tasteful way.
Custom Faceted Search Plugin
Rather than using a popular faceted search plugin that would be overkill for what AllClear ID was seeking, we created a custom faceted search plugin that was customized to their needs. It gives users visiting the Resources section of their site the ability to select multiple search terms (on the left side of the site), and then the content automatically updates to reflect what they want.
For example, if a user wants to find resources regarding protection tips and online safety, they can select both, query the data, and the plugin will pull the data for them based on the categories they’ve selected—all without having to refresh. This plugin makes searching extremely quick to load, and allows the user to find all of the information they’re looking for without hassle.
Data Migration
We migrated the AllClearID blog from an existing WordPress installation that was associated with their site’s previous CMS. Originally, AllClearID had one blog that contained articles about both sides of their business all in one place. In coordination with separating the two different angles of their business, we separated the blog articles into two different sections through the use of tags that match their new branding guidelines. Now, both the individual and corporate sides of the business only show articles that are relevant and useful to their visitors.